Hoy empieza la devops.barcelona: buenas charlas e interesantes. Os dejo un resumen y los links a las diapositivas.

1. Managing DevOps Teams, staying alive
Marc nos habla sobre sus experiencias sobre la gestión, comunicación y motivación de los equipos técnicos.
DevOps and Agile are great at speeding up development and providing quick results, however most organisations struggle to transition and adapt their team and leadership structures, which is made of FAIL.
Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/lynxmanuk/managing-devo…
2. Continuous Performance Testing: Jmeter and Taurus
Almudena nos ha hecho un «demo time» divertido. Ha explicado como integrar Jmeter y Taurus para poder comprobar la performance de nuestro site.
In this talk i will explain how to integrate a Jmeter in your continuous integration system.
Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bHib6eOezEHe…
3. From on-premises monolith to cloud microservices using a stateless API Gateway and horror stories
Albert Lombarte – Krakend
Ventajas de usar un API Gateway como Krakend y sus pasos para integrarlo en nuestro proyecto.
A stateless API Gateway can help you preserve your existing API contract while developers chop the monolith in different microservices, and publish the new specification transparently.
Slides: no disponibles aún
4. Productionizing ML
Carlos Villavieja, Salim Virji
Machine-learning systems have become increasingly prevalent in commodity software systems. They are used through cloud-based APIs or embedded through software libraries
Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w3jbawD815teqvgTAPJacXb…
5. Next generation network operation through automation: CI/CD with Ansible
Beatriz Martínez Santos, Ignacio Verona Ríos – RedHat
Gone are the days of hand-typing commands into network devices one by one: the same benefits of Ansible seen on compute nodes can now be extended to the network nodes.
Slides: no disponibles aún
6. Apache Kafka: advice from the trenches or how to successfully fail!
Operating a complex distributed system such as Apache Kafka could be a lot of work, so many moving parts need to be understood when something wrong happens.
Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/purbon/apache-kafka-advice…
7. Kubernetes is not a deployment tool: it’s a platform
Jose Armesto – CloudBees
In this talk we are going to explain how Kubernetes works internally, showing what Kubernetes controllers are and how they work.
Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tNY01aNj9p…
8. Self-Service Toolchain through versioned Infrastructure as Code
Carlos Muñoz Robles
In this talk, we show the audience how we combined our experience as an enterprise SaaS provider with our experience as an OpenShift IaaS provider, to create an easy to use, easy to update and easy to rollback `Infrastructure as Code` Toolchain/Monitoring solution.
Slides: no disponibles aún